Os primeiros Créditos de carbono certificados por meio do Intemperismo Acelerado de Rochas
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How we Developed and Delivered the World’s First Certified ERW Carbon Credits

Uma fotografia de duas pessoas caminhando em um campo

Issuing a verified carbon credit isn’t simple. It requires precise measurement, strict compliance with evolving regulations, and third-party validation. InPlanet recently announced its development and delivery of certified carbon credits in Enhanced Rock Weathering (ERW) as the first in the world – a milestone for the entire Carbon Dioxide Removal (CDR) industry. As InPlanet’s Head of Carbon, Dr. Matthew Clarkson put it: “To allow us to have the standard to issue that credit, we have to align with scientific best practices, follow strict protocols, and pass independent validation. It’s complex, but it’s what makes our credits truly credible.” The journey … Read more

Webinar with Dr. Matthew Clarkson, Head of Carbon at InPlanet: Certified EW Credits Issued by Isometric

Webinar InPlanet and Isometric

A new milestone for Enhanced Weathering (EW) to play a significant role in large-scale carbon dioxide removal (CDR) while delivering co-benefits to agriculture and soil health. During this webinar hosted by Chris Podgorney, Head of Product at Isometric, Dr. Matthew Clarkson, Head of Carbon at InPlanet, explores how the issuance of these credits raises the bar for quality. What sets them apart is their incorporation of the latest scientific advancements in enhanced rock weathering, backed by academic consensus. The carbon credits webinar also explores the operational feasibility of conducting rigorous Monitoring, Reporting, and Verification (MRV) in Enhanced Weathering (EW). The … Read more

Como medimos a remoção de dióxido de carbono?

Matthew Christina e Phil no laboratório

Quantifying Carbon Dioxide Removal Through Intemperismo de Rochas: A manuscript O intemperismo aprimorado (EW) está surgindo como uma nova e empolgante técnica de remoção de dióxido de carbono (CDR). O intemperismo aprimorado já pode ser ampliado e tem um potencial impressionante de remover gigatoneladas de CO2 anualmente. No entanto, o monitoramento, a comunicação e a verificação (MRV) da CDR com EW - como medimos sua eficácia - são amplamente vistos como a maior barreira para a ampliação da técnica. Um MRV robusto é crucial para a operacionalização generalizada da EW. Em última análise, a confiança no setor de EW depende dessas três letras. Para dar mais transparência ao assunto, a equipe de pesquisa da InPlanet ... Saiba mais